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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019
My Autobiography Well, my first day on the planet earth was on the ten of june in the year 1997, on the small town of Longaví, I grow up in the house of my parents, they was so young when i was born, my father´s name´s Rodrigo same as me, and my mom´s name is Marcela, like the mother of the singer Luis Miguel, what is the favorite singer of she, what is a cute coincidence, and at least i have a brother one year younger than me, the name of my bro is Cristobal. when i was growing i studied in Abate Molina School, the only particular school of my town, and after i went to the Universidad de Chile to study Design, the career what i love since i was thirteen. since i come to Santiago to study, mi life has been so dedicated at the art and design because in this place are a lot of art galleries and museums, things what i love and where i always go.

Paris, The first place.

The first city of my world travel has got to be Paris, France. This city has a lot of history in the architecture and arts, and i´d like to go because it is a dream since i was a little boy. To go to the "Most romantic city" with a nice girl and walk between the restaurants and coffee shops, has to be a great experience and i want to live it. the idea of going to that city was born in my first years of school when i watched the movie "Amelie", that movie was recorded in France and i was in love with the esthetic of that country, years later i knew other things of this historical place, the city of Paris is the first modern city in history its system of subterranean trains is the first "metro" in the human history, i want to know all the special things of the city, and at least the most iconic structures of that country, the Eiffel Tower, my definitive climax of the travel.